
Iron Savior


  • Under Siege (Intro)
  • Titancraft
  • Way of the Blade
  • Seize the Day
  • Gunsmoke
  • Beyond the Horizon
  • The Sun Won’t Rise in Hell
  • Strike Down the Tyranny
  • Brother in Arms
  • I Surrender
  • Rebellious

Label:  AFM Records

The teutonic steel from Iron Savior has never really brought horrible stuff to daylight. Whether at the beginning with the debut and “Unification”, the  follow up’s  with great albums like “Dark Assault”, “Battering Ram” and “Condition Red” or the last albums, “The Landing” and “Rise Of The Hero” .. .the steel from Piet Sielck and his men offered always quality and was away from evil tralala melodies or sweetish rhythms.

Certainly one reason is still Piet’s pretty rough voice that is immediately recognizable when he starts singing in Iron Savior songs. But also the guitar volleys of Piesel Küstner and Piet himself cut with steam into the rafters and reefs and the riffs are pretty hard through the songs.

On the new album “Titancraft” there are 11 pieces of those, including some new hits. Because Iron Savior know how to  write hits that go straight into the ears and stay there.  On “Titancraft” we find the title track itself, the song with a few western-gimmicks “Gunsmoke” and the future live smasher “Brothers In Arms”. These three songs alone justify the purchase of the new album and will delight the followers. It is offers exactly what you expect and all in superior sound quality.

What can be noticed is that Iron Savior are increasing importance to polyphonic singing and not just once they show some similarity to straighter Blind Guardian, without the orchestral frills. Perhaps this is because Piet Sielck has been involved recently in Savage Circus, kind of a side-branch of the Guardians.

Nevertheless, the band still leaves enough room for their own trademarks and brings their known and loved guns on harder tracks like “Seize the Day” or “Way of the Blade”. Only the chorus of “Beyond the Horizon” sounds bad cheesy and tacky. A small loss in my opinion, but only as far as the chorus runs. And the ballad “I Surrender” is a bit fabricated according to the book and in fact rather unnecessary. Although does not hurt, but sounds like heard a thousand times.

Two little restrictions that detract a little from the impression of “Titancraft”, but the album doesn’t lose from its quality. With the Artwork and the nature of some songs Iron Savior deliver their almost expected t futuristic imagination, thus also the tradition of the previous Iron Savior albums continues.

“Titan craft” is exactly in the line what Iron Savior supporters will expect and are not better nor worse to the last albums. The sound has even risen slightly. The surprise effect is a bit lacking, the one that we want to hear sometimes. “Gunsmoke” could, for example, have more western-style, as only the gunshots in the end. But, this is moaning at a high level. Piet and his men are still among the top of the bands of Teutonic Metal.

Release date: 20-05-2016
Reviewer: Erich Robbers
Score: 8

Erich Robbers

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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