The Iron Maidens in Hamburg 2016

The Iron Maidens

Location: Markthalle Hamburg
Date: 27.04.2016

There are a lot of Iron Maiden tribute bands, but probably only one All Girl Tribute Band – The Iron Maidens. The band from the City of Angels was founded in 2001. Meanwhile, the girls have a lot of fans around the world, more than 1.3 million Likes on Facebook speak a clear language here. And on their European tour in 2016 they came for the first time to Hamburg. The Markthalle Hamburg was well stocked with estimated 600-700 fans. And this on a Wednesday.

As the opening act had apparently cancelled at short notice, the intro “Doctor Doctor” of UFO already sounded at quarter past 8 PM. As the Maidens entered the stage for their opener “Aces High“, they were greeted with frenetic jubilation. Then they burned down a firework of Iron Maiden Hits. And of course mascot Eddie made his appearance. For “Trooper“singer Kirsten Rosenberg had put on a red uniform jacket herself and waving a British flag. And what has this singer for an amazing voice.

But also their bandmates gave proof of their outstanding skills repeatedly. Brilliant twin guitars, pumping bass, driving drums. Especially Courtney Cox on guitar could delight me with her guitar solos. And on the final song of the regular set “Fear Of The Dark” all the fans sang loud together at the Markthalle.  In this atmosphere my blood ran cold. Of course, The Iron Maidens had to give an encore. Even on the last song of the night “Run To The Hills” the fans sang again. The Outro “Always Looking On The Bright Side Of Life” from the Monty Python film “Life of Brian” ended the evening.

What for a great show, the fans loved it. With an impressive playfulness The Iron Maidens payed homage to their great role models. And they have promised to play in Hamburg once again. I am looking forward to it.

Setlist The Iron Maidens:
Intro (Doctor Doctor – Ufo)
Aces High
Wasted Years
22 Acania Avenue
The Duellists
The Prisoner
Still Life
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Number Of The Beast
Phantom Of The Opera
Fear Of The Dark
Hallowed By The Name
Run To The Hills
Outro (Always Looking On The Bright Side Of Life – Monthy Python)

Kirsten Rosenberg (a.k.a. Bruce Chickinson) – Vocals
Linda McDonald (a.k.a. Nikki McBurrain) – Drums
Wanda Ortiz (a.k.a. Steph Harris) – Bass
Courtney Cox (a.k.a. Adriana Smith) – Guitar
Nikki Stringfield (a.k.a. Davina Murray) – Guitar

Rainer Kerber

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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