Exterminans IX:XI
Tsar Bomb

Agression, speed, and an atmosphere ripe with all-consuming darkness; sounds scrumptious, right? Tsar Bomb, a blackened death metal band from Malaga, Spain, offer all that and more…Kind of.
Since the band’s forming in 2009, they’ve released two full-lengths(Neowarfare and Exterminans IX:XI), and an early, self-titled EP. Each release has shown all-around growth and an obvious “solidifying of sound”. Their latest album, Exterminans IX:XI, released in September of this year-2015, is what I’m here to talk about today. Prepare yourself…
The first track, simply titled “A”, starts off with your typical, mostly-unintelligible, mood-setting monologue, and at first I skipped to the second track. Really, who doesn’t get tired of “filler” tracks? Anyways, turns out I made a big mistake. A second playthrough revealed that at about 1:10 into the first track, a haunting orchestration works its way into the mix and eventually explodes into a beautifully brutal, dark melody full of catchy chug patterns, tremolo picking, and blastbeats; all accompanied by an equally haunting piano piece. Honestly, it is one of the most memorable parts of the album.
The second track, “Ad Maiorem Legio Gloriam” more or less gives you the full rundown of what Tsar Bomb is all about. The powerful, dissonance-filled riffing, the insane double-bass driven drumming, the wicked screams/growls; every trait displayed culminates into an unforgettably thick, and satisfying atmospheric blackened death metal album. Sadly, once you’ve listened to the above mentioned tracks, you’ve heard them all. The one stand out is “Mikaheylel”, with its attention-catching riffs and interesting drum fills.
Overall, Exterminans IX:XI is a more than solid, above-average album. The songwriting could be a little more diverse, and the band could do with some “thinking outside of the box”, but I strongly recommend this album/band. Definitely one of the strongest blackened death albums I’ve ever heard. Listen to Tsar Bomb’s tunes, spread the word, and support!
Release date: 15-09-2015
Reviewer: Joseph Prieto
Score: 7