Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Iron Mask, Asylum Pyre

Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody

Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, Iron Mask, Asylum Pyre – Hamburg, Logo 2016

Thanks to my son David for his help with the translation.

I t had become cold in Hamburg, with temperatures down to -10 ° C. And we waited this Wednesday night shivering in front of the logo (or exactly the Logo music and beer Ltd.), a small club in Hamburg with more than 40 years of tradition. Shortly after six pm, the fans with a VIP ticket were let in. So we could warm up a little. The sound check of Iron Mask was in progress. Before the Meet & Greet  with Rhapsody, we could briefly exchange a few words with Heidi and Johann (Asylum Pyre).

Mastermind Luca Turilli was already waiting in the backstage area. He greeted each of the seven VIP fans personally. The fan with the longest journey was from Vaxjö (Sweden). His last Rhapsody concert was interestingly the last show before the split. Then Luca Turilli said, he hopes that it does not come to a renewed split after this show. After that, the band was ready for memory pictures. You can see all pics on Flickr.

A quarter before eight pm the intro for the show of Asylum Pyre from France was about to start. T he five musicians around frontwoman Heidi and guitar player Johan Cadot impressed with their Power Metal with references from various sub-genres reaching from Speed to Progressive Metal. Heidi sang with a powerful voice, but every now and then she breathed seductively into the microphone or pushed bitterly angry growls. The focus of the set was on their latest album “Spirited Away”, only “These Trees” came from its predecessor “Fifty Years Later”. With their performance, the band was able to convince quite, the fans were really stoked.

S etlist Asylum Pyre:

  • Intro – In Hayao’s Arms
  • Spirited Away
  • The Silence Of Dreams
  • Second Shadow
  • These Trees
  • Instants In Time
  • Only Your Soul
  • Unplug My Brain


After a short break Iron Mask, the band around guitar virtuoso Dushan Petrossi, presented a Best Of from its more than 15-year history. And with five studio  albums up their sleeve, the band was able to draw on unlimited resources. And the Belgians were the accelerator fully through, high-speed metal with many symphonic elements. Dushan Petrossi gave a brilliant performance on his guitar, you could not look as fast as his fingers flit over the strings, in addition double bass thunderstorms. And with Mark Boals Iron Mask also had an outstanding singer among them.

Setlist Iron Mask:

  • Black As Death
  • Holy War
  • Crystal Tears
  • Feel The Fire
  • Forever In The Dark
  • Rebel Kid
  • Like A Lion In A Cage


 Only a few number of musicians can say they are founder of a whole  genre, Luca Turilli is one of the forefathers of the Cinematic Metal. Bombastic, soundtrack-like metal anthems are the trademarks since the early days of the Italian band Rhapsody, founded in 1993 (later Rhapsody Of Fire). 2011 was then for the separation, there are now two bands with the word Rhapsody  on their behalf. Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody released their second album “Prometheus – Symphonia Ignis Divinus” in June l ast year, which they are now presenting with the “Prometheus Cinematic Tour” to the public. In addition they also played several songs from previous years. It was a Symphonic Metal melt-off. The musicians had a lot of fun on stage. To reinforce the band, keyboard player Vannick Eymery and two opera singers,   Émilie Ragni and Riccardo Cecchi, were brought on stage. And in various solos (drums, guitar, bass), the musicians were able to prove their skills. And the fans in the now well-stocked but not sold-out Logo sang the songs letter-perfect. That was a great show, only the video screen seemed a bit out of place on the small stage. The recordings could only be seen in the front rows.

Setlist Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody:

  • Nova genesis (Ad splendorem angeli triumphantis) (Tape)
  • Knightrider of Doom
  • Rosenkreuz (The Rose and the Cross)
  • Land of Immortals
  • Aenigma (Tape)
  • War of the Universe
  • Ira Divina (Tape)
  • Unholy Warcry
  • Son of Pain
  • Prometheus
  • Drum Solo
  • Il cigno nero
  • Guitar Solo
  • The Pride of the Tyrant
  • Demonheart
  • Bass Solo
  • Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer’s Fall, Part II: Codex Nemesis
  • Dark Fate of Atlantis
  • Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer’s Fall
  • Dawn of Victory


  • Quantum X (Tape)
  • Ascending to Infinity
  • Emerald Sword

Rainer Kerber

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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