Fixation, At Rest

“Fixation, At Rest” is a new approach of Death Metal with Stoner Metal. For a good quite time I have been listening to this album circa 2012, And now, with the new Re-Release with the new artwork brought me back good memories.
Formed in Reykjavik, Iceland, in 2003, originally as a Black/Death metal project, MOMENTUM’s first releases included “The Requiem” EP appearing in 2006, and the “Your Side of the Triangle” EP in 2008. The release of “Fixation, at Rest”, saw the band leave their roots behind them and develop their own sound and identity.
It amazing how the band managed to release such an album, which rotates between Stoner Metal and Death Metal in such a way, that bring down calmness and storm both in a single piece, which makes the listener think about My Dying Bride and such other releases. The song that caught me the most was “Red Silence”, which brings the listener to a point where he starts listening to slamming, harsh Death Metal, and suddenly calms down.
Overally, “Fixation, At Rest” is not a perfect record but it is one of the most outstanding, thoughtful and stimulating albums you’ll get your hands on this year.
Release date: 15-01-2016
Reviewer: Zohar Belkin
Score: 7