

In 2003 the EP “Tothem” was published. Then it was quiet around the band from the Italian capital for a while before the project was renewed by guitarist Mark Cyril and singer Roslen Bondi with three new members. 2013 they’ve released their debut album “Beyond The Sea” on the Canadian label “Mapel Metal Records”. And since May this year, you can listen to and buy the second full-length album “Gemini”.

The album starts fulminant with the title song. The drums give the rhythm, thereto fast guitar riffs and Roslen Bondi singing with a strong rock voice. Towards the end of the song strings are heard and the singer impressively shows that she is a classically trained Belcanto soprano. She effortlessly soars to the highest notes. But Roslen’s high-pitched voice is not constantly utilised, so she consistently rocks on the very melodic “The A Thousands Lives”. There are banging riffs that are highlighted discreetly by the keyboards.

A bit quieter is then “Legacy”, the guitars bang rhythmically from the headphones and are backed by orchestral passages. Towards the end there is a short, filigree guitar solo. With “Soulmates” follows a ballad in which Roslen Bondi exhausts her entire vocal range, from middle to the highest notes. A power ballad in the style of classic arias – with stunning coloratura.

“Liar” starts with drums and synth sounds. The synths also characterize the entire song, later rhythmic riffs are added, the whole song has quite a mainstream character. In the quiet, balladic song Roslen Bondi shines again with her clear and clean soprano voice. Especially her coloratura impresses me again.

In the final live recording “The Witch”, the singer clearly demonstrates her vocal abilities on stage as well.

With the previous album “Beyond The Sea” Tothem have set the bar very high. However, with “Gemini” they succeed easily to up the ante. The excellent varied compositions are implemented very well musically by the musicians. The album is produced modern and punchy. But above all stands the impressive vocal performance by Roslen Bondi. Her voice is extremely diverse. Clean and clear it covers a wide vocal range, from the deeper Mezzosoprano up to high Belcanto soprano. And this vocal performance, it can also retrieve live. Tothem line up with this album in the long list of excellent melodic metal bands from Italy.

Tothem – The Other Half:


Roslen Bondì – Gesang
Mark Cyril – Gitarre, Background-Gesang
Marco Minno – Piano, Keyboards, Synthesizer
Leonardo Ricci – Bass
Andrea Cimino – Schlagzeug, Percussions

Label: Hellion Records

Out: 10.05.2016

Duration: 41:25

Track list:

  • Gemini
  • Die A Thousands Lives
  • Legacy
  • Soul Mates
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Liar
  • L’essenza
  • The Other Half
  • The Rains of Castamere
  • The Witch (Live)

Release date: 10-05-2016
Reviewer: Rainer Kerber
Score: 9

Rainer Kerber

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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