Aeons in sodom

This album is a tribute to Guitarist and lead singerTrondr Nefas Bråthen who passed away in 2012. This is the 7th studioalbum the norwegian black metal veterans have released since their start in 1992.
The current line-up of the band is
Enzifer – Guitar
Mannevond (Lloyd Hektoen) – Bass
Uruz(Jarle Byberg) – Drums
To take a Trondr Nefas place they got in a whole lot of wellknown black metal musicians. To mention some:
Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone)
Hoest (Taake)
Niklas Kvarforth (Shining)
Nattefrost (Carpathian Forest)
Nag (Tsjuder).
Trondr Nefas left enough material after his death, for the remaining members to make one last record and the album
has also two great covers here, Sepulturas-Funeral rites and Autopsy-Twisted Mass of Burnt Decay. It`s a great production with lots of aggression, blastbeats and Darkness,so i albsolutly recommend Aeons in Sodom if you like good norwegian black metal. Enjoy a great album.
My favorite track on the album is Norwegian Blood and Crystal Lakes Feat:Shining’s Niklas Kvarforth.
2.The Iron Children
3.Blood Of The Legion
4.The Sulphur Black Haze
5.Lord Of Horns
6.Norwegian Blood And Crystal Lakes
7.Thy Daemon Incarnate
9.Psychedelic Evil
11.Funeral Rites (Sepultura Cover)
12.Twisted Mass Of Burnt Decay (Autopsy cover)
Release date: 12-02-2016
Reviewer: Geir Olaisen aka BornStubborn
Score: 9