A Metal Minute


Whoa…did we really just publish Issue 13 of Metal On Loud Magazine?! That’s insane! This has been one interesting year; one of change, growth, advancement, and improvement. I want to take this time to thank each and every person who has supported MOL and its staff the past year. We could not possibly have gotten up to Issue 14 if we didn’t have that. From the readers, to the supporting MOL staff, to the artists that we have had the opportunity to interview and write reviews for: Thank you. I know that those are only two little words, but they carry all our gratitude and excitement for what is coming next. We wouldn’t be MOL without you.


I know that Randy and Tania have been teasing some upcoming additions to the MOL line-up, and I can honestly say that I am psyched about what we are going to be doing. It will take some time to finalize the creative process and get things going, but I think that you will all enjoy the next steps we take to share our love of music, and your favorite artists with the world.


One last note and then you can scroll onto the next fantastic interview, as we approach festival season, it would be awesome if you shared your experiences with us; we love hearing about them!


Tabatha Spears

Tabatha is a Metal On Loud author who writes the 'Metal Minute' columns and takes the occasional band interview.
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