Winter Thrice

On 22 january Borknagar released their tenth and best album in their 20 year old history
as a band. The music and production is great. It`s a Majestetic and exciting album.
It is perfect listening on these cold winterdays. The album start off with The Rhymes of the
mountain and continues with the titletrack Winter Thrice with Kristoffer”Garm” Rygg who does
a awesome guestperfomance from it continues with quality metal.
As i got this album a few days ago the album is very fresh, but i have listened alot to
first two songs that got released and there rest i been listening to the last two days
is great. Winter Thrice is the perfect mix of Prog, Black Metal, Folk and i think it fits
fans of differents generes. Here you find great songwriting with alot of diversity.
It was album i really have looked forward to since their great 2012 release Urd
and didn`t get dissapointed.
Borknagar is band with skilled and talented musicians.
Øystein Garnes Brun – guitar
Andreas «Vintersorg» Hedlund – vocals
Lars «Lazare» Nedland – keyboard,background vocals
Jens Fredrik Ryland – guitar
ICS Vortex – bass, clean vocal
Baard Kolstad – drums
1. The Rhymes Of The Mountain
2. Winter Thrice
3. Cold Runs The River
4. Panorama
5. When Chaos Calls
6. Erodent
7. Noctilucent
8. Terminus
9. Dominate winds(deluxe edition)
Favorite track(so far) Terminus
Release date: 22-01-2016
Reviewer: BornStubborn
Score: 9