The Darkest Hour

Fatum Aeternum

An album like this I didn’t hear in a while.

An amazing mix between a violin, and an electric guitar – between the harsh vocals of a male, to the opera-like vocals of a woman, a true beauty and the beast release.

All the way from Haifa, Israel – Those are Fatum Aeternum.


The EP starts with a melodic instrumental song – named “The Darkest Hour”, which is followed by a song named “Me” – Which talks about the struggle between the wrong and right. next, it Evolves into a song named “Hate” – Followed again, by the beauty and the beast singing. Right before the end, you will find a sad melodic song named “Pain Piano”. As the name suggests, this song is all about that – Pain. Followed with a sad piano melody, and sad singing. “Nothing”, the last song on the EP, is the heaving of them all – and when he finishes, the listener will get a strive feeling for more.

Technically, the self-produced EP sounds great! The Gothic presentation, the symphonic music, and the beauty and the beast singing makes it one of the best releases of the Genre.


A must have in every Metalhead collection.



Get it here –

Fatum Aeternum Bandcamp.

Release date: 05-11-2015
Reviewer: Zohar Belkin
Score: 10

Zohar Belkin

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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