Shellshock Metal Fest 2020 announces the dates

With over 100 participants and crew, Shellshock Metal Fest has established itself as one of the biggest and long lasting metal festivals in Malta. With its philosophy of being true to the genre, opening its doors to local acts and keeping ticket prices at the possible lowest, it is one of the most awaited local metal festivals on the island. Taking place every two years, the festival makes it’s fans even more eager. The next edition will be on Saturday 8th February 2020 and it will be held again at the beautiful Chateau Buskett. For foreign friends, Shellshock Metal Fest is the best excuse as a metalhead to visit the beautiful Island and make a holiday out of it. In February flights and accommodation are cheap since it is in low season. “See you all in the pit! \m/” – Shawn Mizzi, the festival founder and leader of Maltese melodic death metal band Angelcrypt, invites metalheads to attend the event.