The realities of a society gone mad


Hey guys, nice to talk to you again. Thanks for taking the time for us once more. You are currently the focus of a huge ‘Team Rock’ (Metal Hammer) media offensive, promoting your latest video for “King Of Crows”! That’s quite the accomplishment for such a young band. How did this become a reality?

Every time Metal Hammer publish our work or feature us it’s a dream come true! Really, we owe it all to the fans, family, and close friends who have supported us all this way. They’re the reason our music has reached so many people and thankfully gained so much interest in the process. We’re overwhelmed with the response to the new song. We couldn’t be happier with the reactions!

What can you tell us about the new track?

We didn’t hold back on this song. We believe as artists it is our responsibility to express through music what we witness around us. “King Of Crows” is a harsh look at the realities of a society gone mad.

Is “King Of Crows” part of a yet to be released album? What are you working on at the moment?

We’re currently living in the peaceful North Wales countryside, working on our new album. We have put everything into writing these songs and we can only hope that when they’re released all our fans—our flesh and blood—enjoy listening and seeing them live as much as we enjoyed creating them!

If we look at your Bandcamp page we can find one debut album, Blackened Earth from 2013, followed by a large number of separately released free for download songs. Is there a reason you did not save these up to make a second album?

In the build up to writing and recording this record we decided on giving away singles for free. We have incredibly loyal fans and we wanted to give something back. These original singles from the past eight months or so are still available on our Bandcamp to anyone whose interested. After all, it’s more important to us that music lovers can listen to the songs and share it to their friends.

I hear a lot of growth in your musical style between your debut and your more recent work. How do you compare your earlier stuff to your current songs?

We’ve always had the intention of telling a story and delivering a message with every word and every note we write. I suppose as musicians we’re maturing and always pushing our capabilities. Ever since Blackened Earth we’ve been called so many things. Being pigeonholed into one genre or style just doesn’t appeal to us, not when we have so many different influences to use when creating our music. Having rules only restricts the honesty and freedom of your creativity.

If you had to redo your debut, is there anything you would do differently?

When it comes to recording we’re total perfectionists haha. As soon as we finish a recording we know we can go back and do better, but I’m sure we’ll always think like that. It’s a great way to keep improving your skills and practice.

How would you describe your sound. I hear so many influences!

This has always been hard to say. We just love making music. We don’t think too hard on what it will sound like when it’s finished. I guess you’ll ultimately have to listen and let us know!

What bands would you consider covering that you think people would least expect from you?

We all love genres outside of Metal and heavy music. I guess the most unexpected would be hardcore Hip-Hop or Rap. Although a Justin Timberlake cover might be interesting… haha

There has been a lot of talk in the press about your lyrical content. Metal Hammer called you the “voice for the voiceless”. How do you view the world at this moment in history?

We, like many others, are angry at the way people are treated today in this world. Whether it be during war, poverty, starvation… these are the challenges we face in our generation. We have always, and still believe, that everyone in the world is equal. We’re lucky enough to have a voice that hopefully will reach a few others that feel the same way as we do.

What will this year look like for Skreamer?

The album is so close to being released, and we’ve already started announcing tour dates around the UK and Europe. From there who knows!

Any last words for our readers?

Take care of each other and we hope to see you on the road very soon!

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us!

Metal On Loud!

Randy Gerritse

Randy is the founder of Metal On Loud Magazine and its community. He is a lyricist for several bands (Dissector, GOOT), an author currently working on his second book, and does web development for a living.
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