People like scifi


Thank you for taking the time to talk to us again. Always nice to hear back from MHF On Stage competition alumni! For the ones that don’t know you yet, please tell a bit about who you are and what kind of music you make.
Hi, we are the german alternative/Rock/metal band SAMARAH from germany.
Where did the name Samarah come from?
In late 2007 we were searching for a band name, I was watching the movie “RIng”. The girl in that movie is called Samara.
We liked that name.
Last year you released Independent Wonderland, which holds 3 tracks. Your smallest release to date. Was this an EP, or a first single of an as of yet unreleased album?
We recorded the EP as a christmas present. But you can download it the whole year 😉
You also promoted a video clip for a song off your 2011 album Beyond Boundaries (Space Paranoia) with the added subtitle “the force awakens”. Smart marketing! Did it bring you any new fans?
Yes it worked. I think people like scifi 😉
Are you working on more new material for us?
Yes, we work on new songs. we will publish it hopefully this year.
On your homepage you offer 2 releases free for download. Is it hard to survive as an artist in the current music scene? What are your thoughts on the industry?
It’s really hard! But we all have normal jobs, so we can do it!
Let’s have a look at your sound. What elements does a song need to have to be a true Samarah song?
Groovy drums, fat bass, big guitars, some synths and strong vocals!
Most of your promotion material online is exclusively available in German. Is most of your fanbase German? Is there a reason you don’t market as much in English?
We really would like to have a worldwide market, but it’s not so easy! We promote ourselves. Maybe you can help us to get famous and rich? 😉
Do you see yourselves more as a studio band or a live band? What’s more fun to do, recording or touring?
Both makes a lot of fun! To be creative and writing songs is great! To play live in front of a nice crowd is awesome!
What band related achievement are you most proud of?
We are very proud of our last 4 music videos:
And our albums! Here you can download our latest 3 albums for free:
If you like it, you can use our paypal donation button to support us 😉
What are your musical influences, who are your heroes?
Nirvana, Muse, Chevelle, Metallica, Deftones, Korn, Depeche Mode…
We like a lot of music styles, rock, metal, pop, classic…
Music and movies influence us a lot.
What will 2016 look like for Samarah?
We will record new songs, we will shoot 2 music videos and we will hopefully play some cool gigs and festivals!
Any last words for our readers?
Download and share our music, watch our music videos and share it!
Thank you for your great support!
Take care!!!

Metal On Loud!

Randy Gerritse

Randy is the founder of Metal On Loud Magazine and its community. He is a lyricist for several bands (Dissector, GOOT), an author currently working on his second book, and does web development for a living.
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