Only Great Memories


Hello,thank you for taking the time to participate in an interview with Metal On Loud Magazine and How are you today?
Fine thanks Christmas time is a great date to play.
Please present yourself and your band members.
I’m Ben Lyse,vocalist of DZÖKER and guitar player,Jota is the bassman and the drummer is Ernst Butcher.
Let’s discuss the band DZÖKER,Where you got the idea to start it?
One day 4 years ago,I (Ben Lyser) started to write songs and when I had 23 lyrics approx I started to make the guitar and bass riffs and I thought that I need a bass player and a drummer and met Jota and Ernst to play the songs.
 Your most recent release is”Nazca” and what will we find inside of it?
“Nazca” is an album with many changes of rhythm and it is a record that is made different from the traditional Stoner Metal and a  Different style of music.I like psychedelia and combine with Thrash or Hard Rock.It is hard to explain because we have achieved a personal sound and style and It is best to listen and enjoy and comment.
What are your future plans? Where are you planning to head with your music?
We are now playing all over Spain and in the near future we will play for the rest of Europe and start recording our second album.
You play an original Alternative Metal Genre,what can you tell us about it?
We have changed the Genre and create a new sound and this means it is harder to get success at first,because people often find it already set so we must make a hard and more intense promotion than other bands.
You are a new and young act,what is your main inspiration?
My main inspiration is combined sex with LSD, Marihuana and Alcohol and after that analyze the world and my life.
Please recommend some music for the readers.
There are a lot of bands from Kvelertak,Baroness,Zodiac,Mutoid Man to Testament, Van halen, Uriah heep, mc5 , etc…..
Anything you might want to add,some last words for the fans?
Drink, fuck, dance, shout and drug yourself with everything and enjoy because someday you can’t do that and only will have great memories.
Thank you for your time, and best wishers for you!
Thank you so much and Thanks for keeping the music alive.
Thank you and Best wishes,

Zohar Belkin

This author is no longer associated with Metal On Loud Magazine.
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