A Strange B-Movie


Early this year I found a message from Engelbracht in the Metal On Loud Magazine inbox. It was probably overlooked, and forgotten. Fabian is the man behind Fabiuz. After giving his music a listen, I had nothing but questions. This project is unique, that’s about the only word I could find to describe it. I started chatting with him a little. This chat slowly turned into the interview you will find below, shining a little light on this man and his music.

I understand you’re a one man instrumental metal band?

Yes! I’ve played in “normal” bands until 2008. Mostly drums in some unknown local bands.

Is Fabiuz your ownly band right now? or do you also have another, more traditional band? You mentioned Grim van Doom?

Grim Van Doom are friends and consist 3/4 of past bandmates of mine. But now I only make stuff alone. FABIUZ, SUICIDE KID, LAST DAYS OF THE SUICIDE KID… The only project I’m involved with  that has another member is SOME GIRLS ARE DARKER THAN OTHERS but that’s no metal.

What made you decide to focus on instrumental metal?

I often listened to metal bands that I liked until the singer started… My screaming voice sucks and I don’t want anyone to be involved. Alone it’s more work, without jam-situations I have to record every little part, even if I just want to check out how it sounds…but every thing happening is up to me. I like that very much.

If you don’t want anyone else involved in your music, that will prove a challenge for live shows, correct? Do you plan to perform in front of an audience?

There’s no live activities planned so far. I plan physical releases with all projects, but live would only happen forced through, so to say, fanmade pressure… But if I had that “status” it would be easier to get a good band together.

It has worked for great artists before, working in that fashion. Chuck from Death for example kept everything related to the creative process tightly in hands. But he did use vocals. Don’t you fear that a majority of potential fans will miss the vocals?

Since I founded my last band GOODNIGHT WORLDWIDE with the bassist of Grim Van Doom, we, so also I, changed thoughts a bit…after bothering searching for a singer we said like: “Fuck expectations and singers, we wrote songs anyway, and they work that way, because we say so!”…no arrogance…just freedom of deciding to make kinda strange music.

How do you describe your music? What does a Fabiuz song sound like?

Starting point was Darkthrone. I was absolutely blown away by “Under A Funeral Moon” (see FABIUZ-track “Dark Throne”) and the charming way their sound changed over the years. They sound a bit crappy, like FABIUZ does, but you feel how much they love what they do! I hope people hear that or just a bit of it in FABIUZ, too. Besides that starting-point I can’t name specific bands…but the logo is tributing Morbid Angel.

For upcoming FABIUZ some words that may describe what I want to get are: minimalistic, old sounding, strange…I’ll create this because this music, so simple it is, doesn’t exist yet. Otherwise I’d buy it.

If you were to choose a movie to put your music behind as a soundtrack, what kind of movie would it be?

It would be a strange b-movie. The song “Nightmares Come At Night” tributes the movie of the same title. I am a passionate fan of actress Soledad Miranda.

I liked that question.

Haha, I thought you would. So far you have released several tracks on YouTube. Do you have current plans for a release? When can we expect a Fabiuz album?

I have plans to release something in late 2016, yes. I think it’ll be an EP, 4-5 songs. I’ll make longer tracks, but not very much, kinda 2:30 minutes-songs. I often hear my tracks are too short, but I just think, then enjoy listening twice to it. I like it short.

If you had a free pick of any vocalist, alive or dead. Who would best fit your music and why?

I would slow it down a lot and let Chelsea Wolfe sing some dark lyrics! But I feel no need to have a singer in it anyway.

Any last words for our readers?

Thanks for reading and listening to my strange stuff. Support underground music and enjoy loud! And to you: Thanks for your interest and music-passionate hugs to your whole crew for doing what you do!

Thank you very much! It was a pleasure talking to you Fabian!

Metal On Loud!


Randy Gerritse

Randy is the founder of Metal On Loud Magazine and its community. He is a lyricist for several bands (Dissector, GOOT), an author currently working on his second book, and does web development for a living.
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