Fast, groovy, partly melodic, brutal at times


Nice to check in with you again, HateSphere being a former MHF competition band! For the ones that missed your contest, can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you play?

I’m Pepe, guitar player of Danish death thrashers HateSphere. We have released albums since 2001 – and just released our 9th full length “New Hell” a couple of months ago.

You fully funded your upcoming album through a kickstarter campaign last year! How was it funding an album that way?

We actually partly funded the album that way, as our label contributed as well. The Indiegogo campaign was set in motion to secure our activities the next year, meaning both album, tours and videos. It’s expensive to be in a band, and this is one of the ways, you can continue, if your lovely fans are into the idea – and our lovely fans were!! 🙂

Did the one person that opted for the “Christmas party package” actually show up?

Yes, of course 🙂 we had a great, great evening with Patrik from Sweden. We ate, drank, told stories, listened to music, partied… great evening, just as it was supposed to be.

Did you start recording your next album? What can you tell us about the upcoming release?

No, we just released our new album, so no new songs have even been thought about being written yet (winks). Right now we are touring in support of “New Hell” and will concentrate on that. We have just been on the road with Soilwork through Europe, and are right now touring Denmark. I guess in six months or so, we’ll start thinking about writing new songs.

How does your creative process work? What does the typical birth of a HateSphere song look like? Who does most your writing?

I write the main part of the songs. Well, I work on the songs at home, in my basement actually. I record my song ideas, song structures, mail it to the others – they tell me, if they like it (they always do ;-)), and then we work on the full song, when we meet in the rehearsal room. In the past couple of years, we are really focused when writing our albums, so we typically get the songs done in 1 – max 2 rehearsals.

When can we expect your new material?

I dont know yet, as we haven’t written it yet. But I expect it to be fast, groovy, partly melodic, brutal at times, exciting… like we aim for with most of our music 😉

HateSphere has a turbulent history where it comes to members, and in particularly where it comes to vocalists. Can we expect your current singer, Esben Hansen, to stick around?

Well, he’s been in the band for six years, so yes, I’m pretty sure he’ll stick around. We have had a steady line-up for the past six years, so I dont think the “many members” argument are relevant anymore. Bands change members, it’s a natural way of life.

What are qualities that a HateSphere vocalist absolutely must have?

Talent, diversity and a great personality… like any other person in the band. If we don’t like each other personally, things simply won’t work!!

Your upcoming studio album will be your ninth. Do you feel your style has changed over the years?

Yes, but not drastically – and we never intended that as well. We aim for making our music change in the small details, not in the big picture. You must be able to put on one of our albums, and recognize that it’s HateSphere. But still you need to have the feeling that we are developing. Never set change in sound before great songs – if the songs are great, who wants to change it? The album is out by the way – it was released November 20th via Massacre Records.

What does a HateSphere show look like, what do you offer your fans?

We always come with a bunch of energy and good mood! So a good mixture of that!

What will 2016 look like for you?

Hopefully exciting. We have really launched the release of the new album great, we have toured both in Europe and now in our home country, and we will try to keep those shows coming. I’m sure its gonna be a blast, as for the past couple of years as well.

Any last words for our readers?

Thanks for the support, hope to see you on the road sometime soon! And of course remember to check out our new album, whenever you find the time!

Thank you for taking time for us!

Metal On Loud!

Randy Gerritse

Randy is the founder of Metal On Loud Magazine and its community. He is a lyricist for several bands (Dissector, GOOT), an author currently working on his second book, and does web development for a living.
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